Friday, January 4, 2008

Take Time To Journal

" Without pictures, our words will still be valued by our descendants a hundred years from now, but without words, the pictures will be meaningless."

This is a quote from a magazine that caught my eye immediately! It's so true...without journaling, a scrapbook is just a photo album. Without heartfelt journaling, our pictures may not mean very much.

All too often, it's just easier to evade the task of journaling and make do with a catchy title and a few scribbled lines. Sure, it can make the story behind the pictures clearer, but it doesn't reveal what's truly important...what made us take that picture in the first place?,,,why was it important enough to scrap?...all the little things about that particular time or place, no matter how trivial it may seem now, that will be treasured by our descendants, because it will give them insight as to who we are, what is dear to our hearts...and for the subjects of our pages, it will be THEIR story...a token of our love for invaluable source of knowledge about their lives.

Most people hesitate to journal because they don't like their handwriting. I haven't got the best handwriting in the world either, but it's mine, and it's unique!

I urge you all to take the time to journal...on your scrapbook pages, in a diary, whatever works for you. For those of you who truly hate your writing...there's always the computer!

So here's my new year's resolution - to journal journal meaningfully, fearlessly, from the heart.

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