Sunday, March 2, 2008

5 Reasons to Love Scrapbooking

If you've been visiting the Smidapaper website, you'll know that we recently put out a 'Love x 5' layout challenge.
For those that haven't already seen it, I chose to make a page documenting the 5 types of Mac computers we love right now. Pretty geeky huh? It was different though, to make a page about things we like, rather than what we are like, but interesting too.

I initially wanted to make a layout about the '5 reasons I Love Scrapbooking', but couldn't find photos that I liked enough to use on the page. I'm going to have to put this page idea on hold until I find/take the photos I want. But in the meantime, here are my 5 reasons anyway:

1. I love that I'm giving my family a tangible piece of our lives, not just memories which might fade. 
2. I love that by putting heartfelt journaling on my pages, my family are able to share a part of me that may not otherwise be apparent.

3. I love that scrapbbooking gives me the freedom to explore my creativity...after all, there are no judges, and the toughest critic is myself. The family seem to love them all, even those that include what they feel are 'embarrassing photos of them!

4. I love that I can turn to scrapbooking as therapy in my crazy, hectic ground me, and more often than not, help put things into perspective.

5. Last, but not least, I love the fact that my enthusiasm for scrapbooking has led to my meeting and becoming friends with a fantastic group of people ( you all know who you are)! 

 So even if you don't participate in our challenge, or even if you don't scrap, why not see if you can come up with 5 reasons why you love something/ someone, or 5 things that you love right now.

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