We are in the midst of furnishing our new house so we thought a trip down to KL's Ikea would be a great idea.
We were prepared...or so we thought. We'd pored over the catalogue, ear-marked the pieces we liked, measured out the rooms...it was going to be a breeze. I had visions of finally getting the house together before the new year...
What an experience! The store was huge, and because the furniture is built in modular units ( those of you familiar with Ikea will know what I mean), there are endless possible ways of putting them together. We discovered that there was much much more available in the store than was featured in the catalogue, and many more inventive and practical ways of making the most out of small spaces!
We spent about 5 hours in the store ( with a break for lunch). The girls tried out every sofa, Andrew tried out a few beds, we made copious notes, took many photos, but in the end... we walked out empty handed. It was just too bewildering, and we realised that we had a lot more planning to do before we could make any purchases.
So... our house is still not furnished, we have another trip to make in the near future, but it was a great eye-opening experience, and I have photos that are worthy of at least a couple of pages in my scrapbook, which is always good.
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