Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hospitals...from the other side

This has been an eventful year for our family as far as health is concerned. It seems to me that I've spent the main part of this year in hospital waiting rooms, wards, clinics, and car parks.
Now that I no longer work in a hospital, it is awful, draining even, to have to wait around in one,for results of tests, hoping our loved ones can be discharged soon.
These last few days waitiing outside intensive care, while not so long ago I was working in one, has brought home the importance of looking after our own health. We owe it to ourselves, and to our loved ones, to stay fit, stay healthy.
I guess I'm guilty of neglecting my health too... I haven't had a full 8 hours of sleep for 7 months, (and I know someone else who never gets enough rest either), I always forget to take my vitamins, I haven't exercised in months ( but I guess carrying a 9kg baby around can be counted as exercise), and some days I run on caffeine and sugar alone.
So here's my resolution starting properly and healthily, fit in a walk everyday ( carrying baby counts as weight lifting), get some sleep!( naps cos there's no chance of a full nights' sleep yet) and carve out some 'me' time everyday for my own sanity.
Make your health a priority today...don't put it off for another day...another day may be a long time coming.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

here's to change and to health!