Looking through our holiday photos, trying to decide which ones to print, it struck me that our not so little girl is truly becoming a young lady.
For a couple of years now, she's been shooting up, and is almost as tall as I am now, but up until this summer, she was still very much a kid. One that enjoyed going to theme parks, zoos, playgrounds, and was happiest lounging around in her oldest tee and comfy shorts. A kid that always used to run away from the camera cos she was too shy to have her photo taken!
This summer, Emily metamorphosed into a glamorous young lady, helped along in part, by a certain pair of shades that she found in a little store in Stratford-upon-Avon. She wouldn't be parted from them, wearing them in rain or shine; and was frequently caught posing for the camera!
Suddenly, it seemed, going to parks was just too uncool, preferring shopping as a pastime.
Sigh...I guess this is just the start of things to come...I can see makeup and boyfriends looming in the not too distant future...