Sure, I've kept on painting even after Andrew was born ( though maybe not as often as I'd have liked), but the last few months I've really not picked up a brush at all ( except for a foam brush, for a scrapping project or two). Not because my passion for scrapping has replaced my love for painting...rather it has been a case of logistics.
I scrap and make cards in my office ( read bedroom) after the children go to bed, and I'm within easy reach whenever Andrew wakes for a feed. My art studio ( aka little corner, together with a few giant swim floats, a pushchair, and a stack of spare chairs) is downstairs, and just too crowded now ( when did all this stuff take over my art space, anyway???)
This month, I've been determined to make painting a priority again, and reclaimed my art space (well kind of...I banned the swim floats from my space and it's really made a difference!
I've started on not one, but two paintings! Ambitious? Well, I've never been known to do things by halves!