Friday, February 29, 2008

What? No Posts?

It's been a while since my last post and I know it sounds lame, but I just haven't felt that I've done anything momentous in this time. Not that nothing has been happening in our lives...on the contrary, it's been busier than ever at the Tan household.

We've had :
~ Trials for the school's sports teams- jubilation when one got selected, acceptance ( or was it feigned indifference) by the other  when she didn't

~ Trials for the school swim squad - tears when one didn't get selected, and matter of fact acceptance (again) by the other that did

~ Emily's school residential trip to Sabah
~ Chinese New Year came and went in a flurry of activity, mixed with a good dose of drama ( I've always maintained that there's nothing like a festive holiday like this to create stress and cause generally civilised people to become emotional wrecks!)

~ Andrew celebrated his first birthday just this week  ( no big 'do' like the girls wanted, just a casual, cosy family gathering)

~ We've travelled to KL 2 consecutive weekends to support Sarah in Athletics and Soccer 
etc etc

I've done precious little scrapping...which I feel kinda guilty about cos there's so much going on, but so little recording of it, partly because there's not been any photos of some of these events, (and too many to choose from at others!) and partly cos I just haven't been able to make the time to sit down and create.

 Somehow, blogging for me goes hand in hand with scrapping...what goes into my pages ends up on this blog, and vice versa...and since I've not been churning out the pages as quickly as events have been occurring, there's been a lull in the blogging!

I think I've got to get used to blogging as a separate entity, more like a diary?!