One of these is the number of 'firsts' that occurred the of Christmas 2007 - the first christmas in a new apartment, Andrew's first christmas, the first time for the girls to have wish lists... I felt these were all important thing to be documented, and important for us to be able to look back upon...
I wanted to include all 3 photos, which didn't leave much room for journaling (the essence of this page), so I created a little booklet and hid it behind one of the photos.

Another is a page which I've been meaning to create for a while now. It documents the way my family traditionally celebrate Christmas, and how these traditions have changed over the years.

I started off intending to make a mini book for my journaling and photos, but it evolved and became almost an album in it's own right! I can only just fit the page into my album!

I feel Iike I've really achieved something with these pages...being able to pass on a small part of our history on to the children. Hopefully they'll read the journaling and be able to remember Christmas as it was spent in 2007.