A typical day for me is : drop-off at school, errands to run, meetings to go to, pickup from school...and interspersed with that is the frequent feeding, occasional nappy change, and constant amusement of an energetic and inquisitive baby. As you can imagine, this leaves little time for anything else!
I look forward to any time where I can just sit down and take 5. This doesn't happen very often, so when it does, it is much appreciated.
Yesterday was such a day and it was definitely worth documenting!
Andrew was so worn out, what with fighting the 'flu' and resisting sleep for the last 3 hours, that he napped for a whole hour!
Emily was holed up in her room doing her homework...she managed to do it all without needing any help from me.
Sarah was found on my laptop, busy with making up a script for a play she and a few friends were planning to perform during their trip to Cameron Highlands.
BLISS! No "mummy!", no arguing, no TV blaring. I managed to get a cup of tea, put up my feet, check my emails (and reply them at the same time, for a change), even get started on a scrapbook layout...and all before midnight, which is really unusual.
Peace and quiet...I've learned to make the most of it cos it doesn't last for long in this family!